When it’s time to replace the pipes in your home, you want to work with repipe specialists. These plumbers can help you get the most accurate and affordable repiping cost and have the know-how to do the job right. Since these types of jobs are so extensive, 1st Choice Plumbing wants you to understand how repiping works.
Repiping starts with preventative action.
Our plumbing service will take steps to ensure the safety of your belongings. We’ll move your furniture to a safe area and carefully cover the carpet or flooring.
We’ll make small cuts in the wall.
The work begins when plumbers make the smallest cuts necessary in your wall. These openings allow us to work on your pipes. Once the repiping is finished, we’ll restore the wall to its original condition.
What’s the time frame?
The time needed to complete a repiping job depends on the size of your home. It can range anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Generally speaking, repipe specialists will usually tackle the job in sections to cause as little disruption as possible.
If your home needs new pipes, look no further than 1st Choice Plumbing. Our plumbers will install new pipes in your home with quality and care.